2015 is starting to look like another busy year.

2015 is looking like another busy year for the band with bookings in the diary already for a events in December!

Family and friends are invited to join us for our Race Night on Saturday 7th March at Whitcliffe Mount. A fun fund raiser for the band and open to everyone for an opportunity for fun, excitement and a chance to win big!

Band members will then be competing individually at the TYMBA solos’s event on Sunday 22nd March and pitting themselves against other individual players to fight it out for a chance to perform in the TYMBA Musician of the Year final.

The first event will be a joint concert and coffee morning with Cleckheaton Music Centre on Saturday 28th March. Full details will be released later but the band are looking forward to playing alongside Cleckheaton Music Centre once more.

Moving on to April will see the band playing at the Harrogate International Festival once more. There is also the annual St George’s Day Parade at the end of April.

For more information about what the band is up to then look at our events page.

Birmingham Tattoo 2014

The band will once again be performing at the Birmingham International Tattoo at the National Indoor Arena this weekend as part of the National Youth Marching Band.

It’s the bands last formal job of the year before we concentrate fully on our Christmas repertoire.


Halesowen Contest 2014

Last Sunday 29th June the band took part in the TYMBA contest at Himley Hall.

This was also the first competition for our new Junior band to perform. Both bands performed brilliantly and proved that all the hard work over the last few months has paid off.

The Junior band came away with a bronze award and actually achieved a 1st place in display category. This was an amazing achievement by our young band members and our thanks go out to the the senior band members who have worked so hard in teaching and helping the Junior band, you should all be very proud of yourselves.


The senior band then took to the arena competing against 6 bands and pulled out a great performance winning the General Musical Effect category, which is the only caption that doesn’t look at an individual area of the band but rather how the whole band performed on the day. They achieved a very close 3rd place overall, which is a fantastic achievement and demonstrates a huge improvement from last year.


Following the contest the Junior and Senior band joined together with other members of the National Youth Marching Band to perform in the Beat Retreat Ceremony to bring the Dudley Boroughs Armed Forces Day celebrations to a close.

Harrogate International Youth Festival

The band is set for it’s first public performance of 2014 performing at the Harrogate International Youth Festival on Easter Saturday 19th April.

The band will be playing in the parade followed by a Beat Retreat ceremony later on in the day. Joined by other members of the National Youth Marching Band this promises to be an exciting event.

A full report and pictures will follow but if you’re wanting something different to do over the Easter holiday then there’s lots going on in Harrogate. Further information can be found on the HYIF website – http://www.hiyf.co.uk/

Birmingham International Tattoo 2013 – From Rehearsal to Finale

On Saturday morning 16 members of the Spen Valley Scout & Guide band boarded a coach to head down to the NIA in Birmingham to join the rest of the National Youth Marching Band.

The band got together on the morning for a quick run through of the music being played, once again under the direction of Major Paul W Norley MA (Class Stud) BA (Mus) LRSM LDBBA CNCB MCGI CAMUS who is the Director of Music to The Band of The Brigade of Gurkhas.

The band then moved onto the arena for 3 hours of rehearsals with the rest of the cast, the finale rehearsal is an impressive sight in itself.

After a long rehearsal uniforms are prepared and and put on ready for the show. The band opened this years Tattoo with the British Legion march on, followed by the National Anthem and marching the standards off to Yo Nepali as a salute to the Brigade of Gurkhas.

The band then made a return to the arena for the Finale playing alongside the Band of the Royal Air Force Regiment, The Royal Band of the Belgium Navy, The Slovenian Services Band and the Norwegian King’s Guard Veterans Band.

Stopping overnight the band returned to the NIA to do it all again on Sunday to yet another sold out audience of over 7000 people.

A great time was had by all and the band members once again proved their professionalism and were a credit to Scouting and the Spen Valley District.


Birmingham International Tattoo 2013

The band will once again be taking part in the Birmingham International Tattoo at the NIA in Birmingham on the 30th November and 1st December. Forming part of the National Youth Marching Band the members will be playing in the opening ceremony and also leading on the Parade of Massed Standards.
After a jam packed show the band will return to close the Tattoo in the finale alongside bands from all over the world, singers and the lone piper.
It’s a great show and one that the band enjoys attending, tickets are still available so contact the band if you’d like to purchase one at a discounted rate.

London Lord Mayors Show 2013

Members of the band once again took part in the London Lord Mayors show on Saturday 9th November as part of the National Youth Marching Band.

Meeting at 3:15am the band members boarded the coach to head to central London for the day. The band were greeted with a cup of tea and a sticky bun before heading to the start of the parade where it was pouring down with rain.

Spirits were not dampened by the rain, partly being spurred on by having the band of HM Royal Marines behind them.

Unfortunately coverage on the BBC did not show the band to the full potential however the sound was fantastic, with a comment made by the parade marshal about how impressed he was with the quality of playing the band demonstrated.

Tired and cold the band members boarded the coach to return to Cleckheaton but once again an enjoyable experience was had by all.

Well done to all band members who took part, you were a credit to both the band and Spen Valley District.