Halesowen Contest 2014

Last Sunday 29th June the band took part in the TYMBA contest at Himley Hall.

This was also the first competition for our new Junior band to perform. Both bands performed brilliantly and proved that all the hard work over the last few months has paid off.

The Junior band came away with a bronze award and actually achieved a 1st place in display category. This was an amazing achievement by our young band members and our thanks go out to the the senior band members who have worked so hard in teaching and helping the Junior band, you should all be very proud of yourselves.


The senior band then took to the arena competing against 6 bands and pulled out a great performance winning the General Musical Effect category, which is the only caption that doesn’t look at an individual area of the band but rather how the whole band performed on the day. They achieved a very close 3rd place overall, which is a fantastic achievement and demonstrates a huge improvement from last year.


Following the contest the Junior and Senior band joined together with other members of the National Youth Marching Band to perform in the Beat Retreat Ceremony to bring the Dudley Boroughs Armed Forces Day celebrations to a close.

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